You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Earning Extra Income for the Family – One Woman’s Success Story

September 1, 2003

Characters Host Chanya: radio interviewer Tarana: woman who has established a successful small business HOST -In most families, women play a major role earning money. Sometimes women are the only income earners. And even in families with two parents, there usually isn’t enough money to go around. Especially for things like children’s school fees, books and…

Mushrooms for Sale

September 1, 2003

Characters Kwabena Agyei: radio host Owusu Bempa: Director of Bempah Mushroom Complex MR. KWABENA AGYEI -Welcome back to our series on farmer innovation and success stories. In our recent programs, we’ve heard about experimenting with test plots, sharing innovations, and a method from Africa for putting the nutrients back into the soil. Today’s program is about…

Mummy Tiger and Her Babies: How Children Experience Conflict

June 1, 2003

INTRO Host : About twenty million children around the world have had to leave their homes, and sometimes their countries, because of war. Children have lost parents, served as soldiers and witnessed atrocities. The story in our program today is a story you can tell children you know who are suffering. It talks about the…

Growing Vegetables in a Refugee Camp

June 1, 2003

Characters Monique : young refugee girl Hamukiza : older and wiser refugee Announcer THEME MUSIC. Announcer : Conflict and drought have created millions of refugees throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Because of their desperate situation, we sometimes think that refugees are totally dependent on aid organizations. But refugees can and do take steps themselves to improve their…

An Innovative Farmer Grows Food for Refugees

June 1, 2003

Characters Host Mr. George Rueda: innovative farmer Host : [Yesterday/last week/on Wednesday] on [name of program], we heard about survival crops – why they’re needed, how they help after [disaster/conflict]. We also heard a few examples of these crops. Today we have Mr. George Rueda in our studio. Mr. Rueda is a successful and innovative…

“Survival” Crops Provide Food During Times of Need

June 1, 2003

BRING UP MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER NARRATOR. Narrator : A well chosen crop can mean the difference between survival and starvation. On today’s program we’re going to talk about “survival” crops. By that I mean crops that provide food in times of need. A survival crop will have one or more of the following characteristics:…

To Market, To Market – Episode 5 : Farmers’ Helpers – Radio and Extension Help Farmers Plan

March 1, 2003

Characters: Bakari:  Farmer (aged early 30s) Isoke:  Farmer, Bakari’s wife (aged early 20s) INTRO THEME MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER. Host – It’s time now for the final episode of “To Market, To Market,” our series about understanding and using market information. Today, farmers Bakari and Isoke use market information provided by the extension agent to…

To Market, To Market – Episode 4 : Marketing: Calculating your Costs

March 1, 2003

Characters: Bakari:  Farmer (aged early 30s) Isoke:  Farmer, Bakari’s wife (aged early 20s) INTRO THEME MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER (5 SECS). FADE OUT. Host -Today you’re going to hear Part 4 of “To Market, To Market,” the series about understanding and using market information. Today, farmer Bakari and his wife, Isoke, try selling their produce…

To Market, To Market – Episode 3 : Where to Sell: Making the Best Choice

March 1, 2003

Characters: Bakari:  Farmer (aged early 30s) Isoke:  Farmer, Bakari’s wife (aged early 20s) Tabansi:  Trader (aged 40 years) INTRO THEME MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER. Host -Now it’s time for episode three of the radio drama “To Market, To Market” about understanding and using market information. In today’s episode, farmers Bakari and Isoke consider the advantages…

To Market, To Market – Episode 2 : A Glut in the Market: How Supply and Demand Affect Prices

March 1, 2003

Characters Bakari:  Farmer (aged early 30s) Chege:  Farmer, Bakari’s neighbour Kengele:  Trader INTRO THEME MUSIC AND HOLD UNDER ANNOUNCER. Host -Farmers are always looking for ways to get the best prices for their crops. Today we present episode two of our radio drama series, “To Market, To Market,” a five-part series about understanding and using market…