You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Protect Stored Grain from Beetle Damage

September 1, 2004

Host: Today’s program is about how you can protect stored pulses or grain legumes from damage by bruchid beetles. Bruchids love beans – especially cowpeas. They usually attack pods in the field before harvest. The larvae develop in the stored seeds, which they eat. Bruchid beetles can destroy your food supply and damage the seed…

Crop Rotation and Intercropping Reduce Damage from Striga Weed

September 1, 2004

Host 1: On our program today, we’re going to talk about a weed that I know is plaguing many farmers in our region… in fact in much of Africa. Host 2: And the name of that weed is striga. Some people call it witchweed. Host 1: Whatever name you know it by, striga is causing…

Remove Striga Weeds Carefully from your Field

September 1, 2004

Characters: Program Host Two women farmers Host: Many farmers listening today… especially women… will be interested in our discussion about how to manage the weed striga. Striga is also known as witchweed. It causes serious damage to maize, millet, sorghum, upland rice and Napier by sucking water and nutrients out of the plant roots. And…

Reduce Pests Naturally with Biological Pest Control

September 1, 2004

Host: Good morning [evening, afternoon]. I’m your host __________. Farmers, do you know there are ways to control the pests and diseases that attack your crops without spraying chemical pesticides? Today we’re going to talk about biological pest control or how to reduce pests without using chemicals. MUSIC, UPBEAT TEMPO. FADE. Host: First, what do…

Controlling pests without pesticides

September 1, 2004

Spot #1: Problems with pesticides Many farmers will tell you that pesticides are their first choice for pest control. At first, pesticides appear to get the job done. There are fewer pests and higher crop yields. But after a while, you’ll notice that pesticides don’t only kill pests. They also kill many of the good…

Understanding Plant Diseases

September 1, 2004

Host: Have you noticed that the leaves on your crops are curling up or falling off? Or wondered why the grain isn’t forming properly on your maize or millet? It could be that some of your crops are infected with a disease. Even if you don’t know the name of the disease that is damaging…

Is an Insect Always a Pest?

September 1, 2004

Host 1: Good day and welcome to the program. In our discussion today, we’re going to talk about controlling pests in your crops. Let’s keep these two questions in mind: When should a farmer use pest controls? In fact, is it always necessary to control pests – especially if there are just a few insects…

Supply Water Directly to Plant Roots with Pitcher and Drip Irrigation

June 1, 2004

Host: Today we’re going to talk about a couple of ways to irrigate your crops. What’s important about these methods is that they conserve water at the same time. In other words, you won’t need as much water for your crops. Our program will be of special interest to farmers who live in dry zones…

A Community Builds a Groundwater Dam to Solve its Water Problems

June 1, 2004

Characters: Gikuyu: older man Adongo: middle-aged woman Gikuyu: Good morning [afternoon, evening]. This is Gikuyu, and I’m here with Adongo to talk about how our village built a groundwater dam and solved our dry season water problems. Adongo: Good morning [afternoon, evening]. Gikuyu: I’ll start by explaining why we built the dam. During the dry…

Harvesting Water Using Earth Banks

June 1, 2004

Characters: Host Mr. Ayeji Anyaji: agricultural extension worker Host: Good morning [afternoon, evening]. I’m your host _________. Today we’re going to talk about a way to collect and store water. Mr. Ayeji Anyaji is in the studio with me. He’s an agricultural extension worker, and he’s going to talk about how an earth bank can…