You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

A Woman Farmer Harvests Water and Grows Vegetables in the Dry Season

October 1, 2005

START SIGNATURE TUNE THEN FADE OUT SLOWLY. Host: Welcome to today’s program. FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE, HOLD UNDER HOST, THEN FADE OUT. Host: Today we’ll hear from Beatrice Asimwe, a farmer from Mbarara in Western Uganda. Beatrice has developed new innovations in water harvesting and conservation. The water she has harvested has allowed her to…

An Alternative Fuel Source: Make Charcoal Briquettes from Banana Peels

October 1, 2005

SIGNATURE TUNE SOUND EFFECTS (PICK AXE CHOPPING FIREWOOD). Host: If you grow bananas in any part of the world, you will be interested in our program today, because we are going to talk about how banana peelings can be used to make charcoal briquettes. This is a technology that will save many trees. This technology…

Catch Rain from Your Roof

June 1, 2005

Announcer: Hello to everybody listening to our program. If you are a woman and you walk a long way to fetch water, today we have some good news for you. We’re going to talk about a way to collect water with less effort – by catching it on your roof! That’s right. You might be…

Grow More Food in Drylands with Planting Pits

June 1, 2005

HOST 1: Today we’re going to talk about a way for farmers to improve soils and get higher crop yields. This is a method that be effective even if you have dry soils with a hard crust. HOST 2: That’s right. On today’s program farmers are going to learn how to use planting pits to…

Kenyan Farmer Uses Organic Farming Practices

June 1, 2005

FADE UP SIGN TUNE THEN UNDER. Host: Welcome listener to our program of today. FADE UP SIGNATURE TUNE THEN UNDER. Host: Today we’ll hear from a farmer, George Opondo from Kobare village in Kenya. Mr. Opondo has been practicing new innovations in his environmentally friendly farming system. Stay tuned to hear his experiences next. FADE…

Secondary School in South Africa Harvests Rainwater from the Roof

June 1, 2005

Host 1: Water is becoming more and more scarce in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Many people and institutions are suffering from lack of water. For example, approximately half of the schools in the Limpopo Province don’t have enough water. Host 2: Today we are going to talk about one school in particular the…

Malawian Farmer Catches Water for Crops in Trenches and Pits

June 1, 2005

SIGNATURE TUNE Narrator: How are you farmers and listeners today? Today we are going to hear a program that comes to you from “The Story Workshop” in Blantyre, Malawi. SIGNATURE TUNE UP AND THEN DOWN UNDER. Narrator: Today’s program is called “The river floods with water from the streams”. This traditional proverb means that each…

Farmers who use improved fallows must replace phosphorous in soils

March 1, 2005

Characters In this program, the hosts are named Onyango and Rose. Please use names that your audience will relate to and recognize. Rose is very knowledgeable on the topics of agriculture and agroforestry. Onyango is also very keen and asks many good questions, but sometimes seems impatient. The two have a playful way of responding…

Trees provide fodder for livestock

March 1, 2005

SOUND OF CAR DRIVING UP AND STOPPING. DOORS SLAM. DOGS BARK. FOOTSTEPS RUNNING. Sarah: Oh Sipho! What a long time! Just look at you. Such a smart car and such a nice tie! Have they put you in parliament already? Sipho: Hullo auntie! No, no, they haven’t put me in parliament. They say I am…

Story Ideas to Help Rural Communities Cope with Labour Shortages and Other Impacts of HIV and AIDS

January 1, 2005

Pit farming as a farmer response to labour shortages Households affected by HIV and AIDS need strategies to deal with labour shortages. Pit farming is a way for farmers to pool their labour. Although initially labour intensive with a lot of planning and digging involved, this practice will save labour in subsequent seasons. Farmers dig…