You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Protect your rice crop against birds

May 9, 2012

Characters Rice farmer: Adongle Rice farmer’s wife: Aguénou Rice farmer’s son: Malick Signature tune to introduce program Radio presenter: Towards the end of the rice-growing season, our rice fields are invaded by birds who can’t find enough to eat. They cause huge losses to farmers and consequently to all the population. Dear listeners, hello! Welcome…

Growing and processing top quality rice will get you top money

May 9, 2012

Signature tune to introduce program Host 1: Good morning, dear listeners of Radio Agro Canal. Today we’re going to talk about how you can get top money for your rice crop. It’s well known that African consumers are getting more demanding when it comes to their food, and especially their rice. A lot of people…

Catch rain from your roof

May 9, 2012

Announcer: Hello to everybody listening to our program. If you are a woman and you walk a long way to fetch water, today we have some good news for you. We’re going to talk about a way to collect water with less effort – by catching it on your roof! That’s right. You might be…

A Kenyan farmer uses water hyacinth to feed chickens

May 9, 2012

Cue in signature tune to begin the broadcast. The signature tune fades after 15 seconds under the voice of the program host. PROGRAM HOST: Good morning, dear friends and listeners of Radio Maendeleo. Welcome to today’s program, whose theme is “using water hyacinth to feed chickens.” Let us listen to how a farmer from Asembo…

The miracle plant ‘zabila/leele’ or henna: The turning point in food security for a smallholder woman farmer in northern Ghana

May 9, 2012

Signature tune for 20 seconds HOST: My dear listeners, it’s time for our favourite program, Pukpriba Saha (Editor’s note: Pukpriba Saha means “Farmers’ hour” in the Dagbali language of Ghana’s Northern Region).Welcome. In today’s edition, we look at some of the discoveries and achievements of the women farmers in our country. This is your presenter,…

Transforming the bicycle into a vehicle of innovation

May 9, 2012

Signature tune PRESENTER: Welcome, dear listeners, to the Prosperity program. In this program, we talk about how farmers can benefit from farming. Today, you are with me, Lazarus Laiser, your presenter. Signature tune up and out under presenter PRESENTER: Do you know that when a bicycle is connected to a maize shelling machine, it can…

The motor pump mill

May 9, 2012

Sound of motor pump HOST: A mill to pump water! You may think this is fiction. But actually … it’s true! This invention was developed by Mr. Salam Dipama, a farmer from Koubri, a village 25 kilometres south of Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso. Salam transformed a mill into a motor pump that brings water into…

What fattens pigs is still a mystery

May 9, 2012

CHARACTERS Martha: a widowed mother of two children and head of the family Mr. Nine: agriculture field adviser in the village employed by government Takondwa: a fictional name for Martha’s daughter John: a fictional name for Martha’s son Reporter: a reporter for a popular farmers’ radio magazine Musical link cross fading into below SCENE ONE…

Breeding cows in a zero-grazing system can be a dual environmental solution

April 30, 2012

Cue in signature tune to begin the broadcast. The signature tune fades after 15 seconds and dissolves under the voice of the program host. Host: Dear Radio Salus listeners, greetings and welcome once again to our agricultural show. To begin, here is the theme of this show: Breeding cows in a zero-grazing system can be…

Story ideas on crop storage and climate change

April 30, 2012

1st story : Plants which protect stored crops   Story: Two women (or men) are worried that, because pests have damaged their stored grains in the past, they will not be able to feed their families during the coming hungry season. They cannot afford storage chemicals. They talk to an elder who advises them to…