You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Parboiled rice is easy to mill, cook, and sell

May 30, 2012

Characters Ayaba: Woman farmer Bléoun:Woman farmer Zomonnon: Miller Program signature tune PPRESENTER: Parboiled rice is rice that has been steamed before milling. It is slightly yellowish in colour, and attractive. Compared to white rice, parboiled rice results in more complete grains during milling. Fewer grains of parboiled rice break during milling. Parboiled rice also swells more when…

Dr. Rice Panicle answers questions about rice and soil fertility

May 30, 2012

Characters: Radio host Dr. Rice Panicle: Rice Specialist Farmer 1: Caller #1 Farmer 2: Caller #2 Farmer 3: Caller #3 Farmer 4: Caller #4 Signature tune to introduce program HOST: Dear listeners, welcome to the program. Today in our studio we are pleased to have Dr. Rice Panicle, an expert on rice cultivation. He’s here to answer your questions about…

Rice farmers use an integrated approach for success in weed management

May 30, 2012

Characters: Radio host Rice farmer (Mr. Fofana) Farmer training officer (Mr. Diallo) Signature tune to introduce program HOST: Dear listeners, good morning and welcome to your favourite program about agriculture. The theme of today’s show is weed management, and to discuss this I’m joined by two guests in the studio, Mr. Fofana, who is a…

Farmers in Niger benefit from letting trees grow in their fields

May 30, 2012

HOST: Welcome, listeners. Today we are going to talk about a farming practice called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration or FMNR, which is practiced by many farmers in southern Niger. In FMNR, farmers protect and actively manage the regrowth of certain types of trees in their fields in order to bring back vegetation to an arid…

Common rabbit diseases and how to treat them successfully

May 30, 2012

Characters: Chief Asema Yuwa: Rabbit production expert Shawon Akaaza: Rabbit keeper Hannah Shawon: Wife of Shawon Akaaza Setting: A traditional semi-urban village compound Time: Morning PART ONE ANNOUNCER: The rabbit production expert and retired Chief Asema Yuwa has recently been visiting rabbit farms in the community, especially those struck by disease. Our radio production team recorded one of…

Animal welfare: A well-treated animal is a productive animal

May 30, 2012

Host 1: Good morning and welcome to (name of program or radio station). My name is ________. Host 2: And I am ________. Welcome to today’s program on animal welfare. Host 1: We depend on domestic animals – but they depend on us too. So, ensuring the well-being of our animals makes good sense and is also good…

“Spray me, I’m itchy”: What moo really means

May 23, 2012

Fade up farm sounds – chickens and cows, sounds of birds. Then fade under conversation. FATHER: Son, I am a simple man. I follow the simple ways. These are my cows. One day, they will all be yours. Are you not proud? For us, cattle are wealth. SON: Yes father, I am very proud. But our wealth…

Adventures of Neddy: A community animal health worker helps a village manage Newcastle disease

May 23, 2012

NARRATOR: In many African countries, including Malawi, the majority of farmers have at least one chicken. These chickens are local breeds which graze freely. In other words, they are free range chickens. An outbreak of Newcastle disease can easily kill all the chickens in the village. Newcastle is preventable with vaccination. So why are many farmers…

How to prevent and treat parasitic roundworms in cattle: advice from a veterinarian and a herder

May 23, 2012

HOST: Hello, dear friends and listeners! We are in the middle of the savanna in front of an enclosure where oxen are vaccinated. The village of Didango is located twenty kilometres from the city of Foumban. Foumban is in the department of Noun, in the Western Region of Cameroon. Domestic animals are the main source of…

Combine different methods to keep birds away from rice fields

May 9, 2012

Characters Radio presenter Extension officer:Dr. Panicle Program signature tune Radio presenter: Those farmers who are listening today know that as soon as rice grains start to ripen it’s time to consider the various ways of chasing away hungry birds. Here today to discuss some of these methods, we have extension officer Dr. Panicle. Hello, Dr….