You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Organic fertilizer within easy reach

June 4, 2012

Words and the noise of picks and shovels Bila: Good morning! (Joking) Don’t tell me you’re digging your grandfather’s grave? When did he leave you? Tinga: (Joking as well) It’s really for your grandmother who’s a real old fogey. This “grave” as you call it, is going to let me nourish my land and have good harvests….

Manure the magic worker

June 4, 2012

Signature tune Presenter: Welcome, dear listeners, to Farmers Parade. In this program, we document some of the marvellous discoveries and achievements of smallholder farmers in Africa. Today as usual, you are with me, Gladson Makowa, your presenter. Signature tune up and out under presenter Presenter: Do you know that farmers are good researchers? Imagine how useful it…

Rainfall retention protects soil

June 4, 2012

Cue in signature tune to begin the broadcast. The signature tune fades after 20 seconds and dissolves under the voice of the program host. Program host: Good morning, dear friends and listeners of Radio Salus. Welcome to today’s broadcast, whose theme is “Rainfall retention protects soil.” We are going to talk about some of the things…

Livestock management practices to cope with climate change

June 4, 2012

Host: Hello there, and welcome. My name is Andrew Mahiyu. Today we will discuss a new subject of concern – climate change and livestock management practices. Everyday the sun rises and goes down. We do our daily work and we think that life is, and will always remain, forever the same. But have we ever thought…

Mangoes to the rescue: A local response to climate change

June 4, 2012

Host: Good morning (afternoon, evening), listeners. Today we are going to talk about climate change: a phenomenon that has bothered everybody in recent times. Some people have heard or felt the impact of that change but do not know their contribution to the problem or how to deal with it. As you follow the programme to…

New rice variety for Africa to save wetlands in Uganda

June 4, 2012

HOST: Rice has become the most common dish in Uganda. But as the consumption of the cereal grows, so does its negative impact on the environment. On today’s Farming World we explore how a local initiative is ensuring that rice not only remains on your menu, but that farmers increase their earnings without encroaching on vital…

Growing NERICA is a farming solution for coping with climate change

June 4, 2012

HOST: Dear friends and listeners of local radio FM. Hello and welcome to your program on agriculture. There is increasingly more talk about climate change throughout the world, and you have probably even noticed that the weather is getting warmer. As the climate warms, you need crop and vegetable varieties that can tolerate heat and drought….

Sekedo, a drought resistant sorghum for Karamoja

June 4, 2012

Signature tune to introduce the programme HOST: Hello and welcome to this week’s edition. It is feared that Africa will in the near future experience reduction in yields of staple crops like maize, millet and sorghum, which are consumed by many people. This is because of the increase in temperatures and the change in the rainy…

Two women rice farmers discuss their best seed saving practices

June 4, 2012

Fade in background music HOST: Hello and welcome to the program. Today we’re talking about storing rice seed. You probably know that successful seed storage depends mainly on water content. If seed isn’t correctly dried before storage, it becomes soft, hot and damp, and this can reduce the germination rate when you plant it next season….

Dry rice seed off the ground to ensure top quality

June 4, 2012

Signature tune and station identification HOST: Welcome to our program today. We’re all aware that with the rainy season comes the harvest, and the time to dry the rice seed. It can be very difficult to dry anything due to rain storms at this time, especially your seed. That’s why we’re dedicating the program today to…