You are looking at scripts about Agriculture

Processing Cereals into Local Beer: An Income-Generating Activity for Women

December 1, 2012

Host: Bernadette Zongo is a woman in her fifties. She is married to a school teacher, and they have two daughters and a son. Mrs. Zongo lives in Ziniaré, a city thirty-five kilometres from Burkina Faso’s capital city, Ouagadougou. Mrs. Zongo didn’t expect everything to come from her husband. She just wanted to do something…

Growing New Rice for Africa: A Participatory Radio Campaign Helps Farmers Improve their Lives

December 1, 2012

Characters: Alhassan Baaba, Agricultural Extension Officer, Ho Municipalit Frank Dzameku, Producer and coordinator of agricultural program, Nkomo FM Halimatu: female farmer Efo Osei: male farmer Asigri: female farmer Banka: market woman, rice dealer Agyeiwaa: female farmer Akua: daughter of Asigri Presenter:Good evening, listeners, this is (name of radio station)! My name is (name of presenter),…

Improving Food security for Ugandans: Voice of Teso’s Participatory Radio Campaign on Akena Cassava

December 1, 2012

Host 1: Greetings to all our listeners. My name is ___. Host 2: And my name is ____. Today we are going to tell you about a radio campaign that was broadcast a few years ago by Voice of Teso in eastern Uganda. The campaign introduced farmers to a new disease-resistant variety of cassava called…

An Introduction to Value Chains

December 1, 2012

Introduction: A value chain is not an object that you can see. Rather, a value chain is simply a useful way of understanding how the world of producing, buying and selling things works. We are all part of value chains in one way or the other as producers, consumers of goods and services, processors, retailers,…

Farming Hints

November 29, 2012

Farming Hints By Shamela Rambadan, Trinidad and Tobago I encourage sprout formation in ginger rhizomes before the first rains come. This gives me a head start and ensures that my plants have enough water to grow and develop large rhizomes. The method is effective and costs nothing. All you need is some old newspaper, or…

Making Traditional Mustard in Moba Country, Togo

June 28, 2012

Narrator: Today’s program explains how to make traditional mustard from African locust bean seeds. The African locust bean is a medicinal plant whose leaves are used for treating fever, bronchitis and intestinal parasitic diseases. Its bark and roots are prescribed as remedies against sterility, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, leprosy and venereal diseases. Its yellow pulp is…

Storing Cowpea Seeds for a Season and a Reason

June 20, 2012

Characters: Host Male farmer, Mr. John Wasonga Female farmer, Mrs. Joyce Omondi Theme music to introduce programme, then fade out. Host: Greetings listeners! Welcome to today’s programme, ‘Storing cowpea seeds for a season and a reason’. The focus today is on proper storage of cowpeas to protect them from pest attack. Our guests will guide…

Biosecurity – A New Way to Look at Avian Flu Prevention

June 20, 2012

Characters: Host Farmer Host: Good morning [afternoon, or evening]. I’m your host, [_________]. Today we’re going to talk to [farmer’s name] about how [he/she] keeps [his/her] chickens and [his/her] home safe from disease. Good morning [afternoon, or evening] and welcome, [farmer’s name]. Farmer: Good morning [afternoon, or evening]. Host: Let’s start right in. First, I…

Three Fishing Ladies with a Message about Solar Dryers

June 20, 2012

Characters: Host Fisherwoman #1 (from Sao Tome and Principe) Fisherwoman #2 (from Nigeria) Fisherwoman #3 (from the Republic of Congo) Host: Hello and welcome to today’s very special program. In a few moments, we will be talking with three women from fishing communities in three different countries: Sao Tome and Principe, Nigeria and the Republic…

High Quality Crops Improve Income and Reduce Poverty

June 20, 2012

Cue in signature tune and fade under presenter. Presenter: Hi, and welcome to today’s presentation of Voice of the Farmer, brought to you with the compliments of the Zambia National Farmers’ Union. I am your presenter, Alice Lungu Banda. Stay tuned. Fade up signature tune and out. Presenter: Farmers in Zambia have succeeded in diversifying…