You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Mangoes for all seasons: Kenyan farmers profit by drying and selling mangoes all year round
SIGNATURE TUNE UP THEN UNDER HOST: Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. Did you know that you can grow mangoes and sell or eat them two years after harvest? And make good money doing it? Well, it’s true. Stay tuned and find out how. (Pause) In December to February of each year, mango farmers…
Being faithful to the local proverb ‘There is strength in unity’ spells success for Malawian groundnut farmers (Alimi a Mtedza ku Malawi Akupha Makwacha Kudzera M’mwambi oti ‘Mu Umodzi Muli Mphamvu’)
Characters: Host (studio presenter) Field reporter (George Kalungwe) Farmers: Ignansio Chisale (male) and Austokia Jumbe (female) Extension workers: George Kasokola, Deputy Agriculture Extension Development Coordinator, Chiosya Agricultural Extension Planning Area, Mchinji, Malawi HOST: Welcome to the program. Today we focus on how some groundnut farmers in Malawi have transformed their lives through approaching farming…
He who has a running tummy opens the toilet door: Land preparation for groundnuts
CHARACTERS Mr. and Mrs. Chiri: A hard-working family. The wife leads the way. The husband appreciates the leading role the wife plays and supports her by joining her in the garden. They are hunger-free throughout the year because they grow cash crops and maize, the staple food. They have a corrugated-iron-roofed house, a new…
A friend in need is a friend indeed: Keeping your groundnuts free from aflatoxin contamination.
Part 1: Charity begins at home. Estimated running time for episode 1: 30 minutes with beginning and end music. CHARACTERS CHIBWE: Ambitious, drunkard and hard-working NAMILAZI: Wife of Mr. Chibwe and sister of Mr. Gama. Intelligent, she is a standard 8 dropout because her parents could not afford to pay secondary school for two children….
Issue Pack: Groundnut value chain in Malawi, production
1. Introduction and how to use this issue pack This issue pack is designed to provide broadcasters with the information they need to help create effective and entertaining radio programs on growing groundnuts. The issue pack focuses on groundnuts in Malawi, but the information will be relevant, with some possible modifications, to other sub-Saharan African…
Farmer uses a water pump to triple his maize yields
Signature tune up and fade under presenter’s voice PRESENTER: Welcome, listeners. Today, we will hear an interview with a farmer who tripled his yields of maize! How, you ask? By buying and using a water pump to keep his compost moist and fertile. Stay tuned as our reporter Mariam Koné interviews farmer Siriman Camara….
Cassava: A poor man’s crop no longer!
Signature tune up then under HOST: Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. My name is ____. Today we will be talking about a crop that can feed you and give you more income. For some farmers, it may even save their lives! (Pause) Farmers in eastern Kenya have come to recognize the value…
Issue Pack: Cassava value chain in Tanzania – production
1. Introduction and how to use this issue pack This issue pack is designed to provide broadcasters with the information needed to help create effective and entertaining radio programs on cassava. The issue pack focuses on cassava in Tanzania, but much of the information will be relevant to other sub-Saharan African countries where cassava is…
The Root of Life
Topics and formats of the 40 cassava AgTips EPISODE TOPIC FORMAT Introducing The Root of Life Drama Mesozi’s story Drama Introducing cassava Drama Selecting the right land to grow cassava Drama Choosing the right cassava variety Drama Let’s plant cassava! Jingle Correct spacing for your cassava cuttings Drama…
African Traditional Vegetables Back on the Table
Sig tune up then under Host:Take a guess. They are nutritious, they do well in dry environments, they can be a source of income, and they are environmentally friendly … If you said African traditional vegetables, you’re right, and that is what we are going to learn about today.Signature tune up and out under Host:…