You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Questions about veterinary paraprofessionals
Suggested questions for private sector veterinary paraprofessionals Please introduce yourself and explain what you do in your work as a VPP. Please tell us about the type of farming communities you typically engage with. Please tell us about the range of services you provide to both women and men farmers. What aspects of your work…
Veterinary paraprofessionals and animal health
Spot #1: Why is preventive livestock care so important? SFX: CHICKENS CLUCKING, WINGS BEATING. UNDER VOICES. FATIMA: (CALLING) Who’s there? Oh, it’s you, Hajara. My VPP of life! I can’t thank you enough for your help last month. HAJARA: (CHEERFUL) Sannu (hello). Good morning, Ms. Fatima. I hope all is well. I’m here to see…
Organic fertilizers
Organic fertilizers Read FRI’s radio resources on organic ways to fertilize your soils Dear broadcasting partners, Here is our theme pack for September, this time all about organic fertilizers. This pack has eight elements, including two backgrounders, one interview script, one drama, and four Barza Wire stories. Backgrounders Organic fertilizers Soil health Interviews Compost: A…
Spot #1: Site selection NARRATOR: What kind of sites are best for growing rice? Here’s three things to remember. One: Rice needs a clay loamy soil because rice is grown in water, and so the soil must retain water. Two: The land must be both flat and not…
What the new rules for animal health technicians in South Africa mean for AHTs and farmers
INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC UP, THEN FADE OUT HOST: Hello and welcome to today’s program, discussing the new rules governing the work of animal health technicians in South Africa, also referred to as para-veterinarians. In this radio script, we will hear from five resource persons who explain how the recent rule changes are expected to affect…
Here is our theme pack for August, this time featuring resources about seeds. The majority of human food starts as seeds, especially the seeds of cereal crops, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and fruit. Planting materials such as cuttings are also included in the broad definition of “seed,” as they are used to propagate varieties of many…
Here is our theme pack for April, this time all about rice. This pack has 12 elements, including three backgrounders, one interview script, one drama, one set of spots, and six Barza Wire stories. One resource is available in Bambara, in both written and audio format. Backgrounders Rice production and post-harvest activities The System…
Agroecological agriculture: What’s it all about?
Here is our theme pack for January, this time about agroecological agriculture. Agroecological agriculture is the application of ecological principles to the management of agricultural and food systems, and integrates social, biological, and agricultural science with traditional knowledge. Agroecological approaches to farming often use practices such as crop rotation and intercropping, and use biological solutions…
Agroecological agriculture in Tanzania
Spot #1: Using agroecological farm inputs NARRATOR: Farmers! To get high yields and enhance your farm’s environment at the same time, it’s important to know how to prepare farm inputs agroecologically. Here are five tips! First, get all the information possible on the farm inputs you need. Second, research all possible sources of…
Preparing feed for local chickens in agroecological ways
HOST: Hello, listener, and welcome to today’s program. While the genetic make-up of local chickens is one factor that influences the quality of their meat and eggs, another factor is the type of feed they eat. This is one of the factors that differentiates local chickens from other breeds of chickens, including improved chickens. Whether…