You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Chicken hatchery: Innovative farmer invents large-capacity kerosene egg incubator
HOST: Imagine … a kerosene-fuelled egg incubator that can hatch up to 600 eggs in twenty-one days! It’s true! And that is what we are going to learn about today. MUSIC: SIGNATURE TUNE UP AND OUT UNDER HOST: Hello and welcome to the program Farmer to Farmer. I am your host, Winnie Onyimbo. In today’s…
Organic cotton helps the soil and the community
Characters Bossou: farmer of about 40 years of age, hard-working Dassi: farmer a bit older than Bossou Adjagoué: drunkard of the village. He also spreads the village news. Chief Biowa: technical advisor, coordinator of the organic cotton program Sèna: seven-year-old child, Dassi’s son Coordinator: advisor, conventional farming programs Tassi: female farmer, Bossou’s niece Signature tune…
Women’s right to land is necessary for community development
Signature tune (10 seconds), then down under presenter Presenter: Hello dear listener, and welcome to the program. This week we look at women’s property rights, and particularly at how discrimination in land ownership affects household food security and overall community development. We hear the story of a mother and her four children who are forced…
‘Together we stand’ agricultural co-operative society
Characters Mr. Okello: 38 years old. A man who does not see the benefits of his wife being in the farming group Kacel wacung or “Together we stand.” Mrs. Okello Balbina: 36 years old. She is the chairperson of the farmers’ [male or female or both] group. Their daughter Aber: 18 years old. A student…
Farmer uses good yam storage practices and improves his life
Characters: Host Interviewer The innovative farmer, Adjèxwé 1st farmer, Agossou 2nd farmer, Gbiglo Fade in signature tune to begin the show and cross fade under the host’s voice Host: Greetings, dear local FM radio listeners! In today’s show, we are going to talk about good storage practices for yam tubers. In that regard, I invite…
A simple but effective trap for stable flies
REPORTER: Do you ever have trouble with stable flies? Stable flies are blood-sucking creatures that attack dairy cows in tropical countries. For the past few years, scientists in the Indian Ocean island country of Mauritius have been doing some special research on how to control these flies called Stomoxys (pronounced sto-mox-is). Traditionally, farmers kept…
Raising goats to beat the drought in eastern Kenya
Sig tune up then under Host: Good morning and welcome to another edition of the Farmer to farmer program. Today we are going to look at the effects of drought and what farmers are doing to cope with it. I visited some farmers in Mwingi, eastern Kenya who have made a successful switch from cattle…
Reviving banana production to boost production and income in Ugunja District, western Kenya
Characters Host Reporter Farmers: Pamela Oluoch George Obok Charles Siang’a Beatrice Auma Development agent: Michael Nyamai MUSIC TO INTRODUCE THE PROGRAM HOST: Welcome, listeners. When farmers in western Kenya hear the word “banana,” the smiles fade from our lips and our faces turn sorrowful. Why? Because we have been faced with a serious…
Feed your birds right: How the King of guinea fowl farmers won his crown
CHARACTERS KISHA: Kisha wants to win the crown and doesn’t want to change his traditional ways of farming. He is 35 years old, husband to Lami and father of Abdul. He is serious and quick to anger. ABU: Abu is a braggart and is mistrusted by many in the community. He is 27 years old,…
Raising new breeds of guinea fowl in northern Ghana: Benefits and challenges
HOST: Good evening and welcome to Kariba sosika (Farmer’s talk), our farmers’ program. INSERT VOICE: “Guinea fowl are the small-scale farmer’s friend! When food is scarce, it’s this bird that serves as a food bank for the family.” HOST: You have just heard the enthusiastic voice of a farmer who keeps guinea fowl. This is…