You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Local farmers find ways to scale-up conservation agriculture to larger areas
MUSIC:SIGTUNE, THEN FADE UNDER HOST HOST: Hello and welcome to our farming program on Radio ___. I will be your host today as we travel to Chihanga village in the central region of Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania. Chihanga is one of the five villages in the city where farmers are using conservation agriculture….
Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 5
1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Sigi’s warehouse. Evening. 3. BG SFX: Warehouse ambience. 4. Characters: Sigi, Afande Kaifa, Afande Filipo, Farmer. 5. SIGI: I assure you this is the best deal you’ll ever get! 6. FARMER: Come on, Sigi! That is a very low price for all these sacks! 7. SIGI: That is my…
Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 4
1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Farida’s house. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Ambience at Farida’s house. 4. Characters: Farida, Jenny. 5. SFX: HEAVY KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. 6. FARIDA: (APPROACHING MIC) I’m coming! I’m coming! 7. SFX: FARIDA OPENS THE DOOR. 8. FARIDA: (SURPRISED) Jenny! Aren’t you supposed to be at the garage? 9. SFX:…
Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 3
1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Factory. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Truck horn blowing. 4. Characters: Farida, Stella, Sigi, watchman. 5. SFX: TRUCK HORN BLOWING INCESSANTLY. 6. SIGI: (FAR FROM MIC, SHOUTING) Hey you! Open the gate already! (IRRITATED) Alaaa! 7. WATCHMAN: (HURRIED) Coming, sir. 8. SFX: GATE IS OPENED AND TRUCK APPROACHES MIC. 9….
Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 2
1. Scene 1 2. Location: Int. Afande Kaifa’s office-police station. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Afande Kaifa snoring. 4. Characters: Afande Kaifa, Mzee Kaifa, Afande Filipo. 5. SFX: AFANDE KAIFA SNORING. 6. SFX: KNOCKS ON THE DOOR. 7. AFANDE KAIFA: (ANGRILY) What is it now? 8. AFANDE FILIPPO: (OPENS DOOR) Your father is here to see…
Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 1
1. Scene 1 2. Location: Ext. Road. Morning. 3. BG SFX: Sound of car engine and music inside car. 4. Characters: Jenny, Mr. Patel, boy. 5. SFX: SOUND OF CAR ENGINE AND MUSIC INSIDE CAR. 6. SFX: MR. PATEL HUMMING ALONG TO MUSIC. 7. SFX: CAR MAKES A BLASTING SOUND. 8. MR PATEL: (ALARMED) Uh…
Beans, a family affair
This is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. This drama is the first item in Farm Radio Resource Pack #108.
Pest management resources
Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about pest management. The theme pack includes twelve scripts and seven Farmer stories from Barza Wire. Scripts Farmer makes his own biopesticide with neem When opportunity knocks, open the door wide: Managing pests in cowpeas A simple but effective trap for stable flies…
Resources on soil fertility
We are very pleased to present our second monthly theme pack of existing FRI resources, this time focusing on soil fertility. This collection represents some of the best resources on soil fertility that we’ve published over the past decade. Background information The promise of conversation agriculture Issue pack on soil health Interview and drama scripts…
Three times the effort for ten times the yield: Growing tomatoes in Nigeria
HOST: Today we will be talking about tomato production in Nigeria. Tomatoes are a very important food crop for Nigerians, eaten in meals across the country. Almost every ethnic group in the country has a delicacy that requires tomatoes, and what some people consider the national dish—jollof rice—is almost impossible to make without tomatoes. However,…