You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Production and postharvest activities for fonio
Introduction Fonio, (Digitaria exilis), is considered the oldest cereal in West Africa. The Digitaria family includes more than 300 species. These are sometimes cultivated as forage plants, but only three or four are grown as cereals, including: Digitaria exilis or white fonio, Digitaria iburua or black fonio; Digitaria sanguinalis or crabgrass/Polish millet, grown…
How farmers in Ethiopia manage Fall armyworm
NEO BROWN: Good morning (afternoon, evening). Today, we’re going to talk about how farmers in Ethiopia are trying to manage Fall armyworm and prevent it from causing significant damage to their fields. SFX: UP SOUND NEO BROWN: It’s the dry season in Ethiopia, known locally as belg. I traveled to Amhara regional state, which is…
Farmers use traditional and chemical methods to manage insect pests of maize in western Tanzania
HOST: Welcome to today’s episode of your farmer program. Today, we will be talking with farmers from Karagwe District in the Kagera Region of western Tanzania. We will talk with maize farmers about the insect pests that feed on maize and the measures they take to manage these insect pests. (PAUSE) It’s about 30 kilometres…
Women farmers use local methods to fight pests and diseases in beans
SIGNATURE TUNE UP THEN UNDER MR. ENOS: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to today’s program where we are going to learn how women farmers in the Kigoma Region of western Tanzania fight against pest and disease problems in beans by using local methods. To talk about it, I visited some farmers in Nyumbigwa village in the…
Maize farmers overcome postharvest challenges
CHARACTERS: Fuseina: 27-year-old maize farmer in Adensukurom. She is very outspoken and determined to help her people solve their farming problems. Nadia: 60-year-old woman who is highly respected by the people of Adensukurom. Musah: 30-year-old man who is very self-centred. He later learns to work with others. Maanan: Successful 45-year-old maize farmer in the next…
Storing dairy fodder for the dry season increases farmers’ income
PRESENTER: Hallo and welcome to your favourite farming program. My name is _____. Dairy farming is a major income earner for farmers in Kenya. Small-scale farmers produce milk for home consumption, and for selling to consumers in the informal market and to processors. They also make money by selling calves and heifers. Milk production fluctuates…
Tomatoes: a high-value crop
Here is our theme pack of FRI resources for March, this time about tomatoes, a high-value crop that, if grown wisely with careful planning and hard work, can generate a high income for farmers. The theme pack includes five items from our Resource Packs: one backgrounder, two interview scripts, one drama, and one other item….
Fall armyworm Theme Pack
Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about Fall armyworm, the pest that has been causing such damage in maize and other crops across much of Africa. The theme pack includes three items from our Resource Packs: one backgrounder and two interview scripts. All three items are available in Amharic…
Dairy production
Introduction Why is this subject important to listeners? Because farmers involved in dairy production should know: How to design and construct a proper cow barn. The breeds best suited for dairy production in their environment. How to feed dairy cows to ensure maximum milk production. How to milk cows properly. How to handle milk to…
The benefits of conservation agriculture
SIGNATURE TUNE HOST A: Hello! Welcome to your farmer program! Today’s topic is all about conservation agriculture and the benefits of minimum tillage. Farmers in Ethiopia tend to till their land repeatedly as they are sure it increases yield. They believe that reduced tillage stops them from taking full advantage of their farmland. In fact,…