You are looking at scripts about Agriculture
Ensuring good access to water, with less flooding
Dear broadcasting partner, In this month’s theme pack, we share several radio resources on how to protect your watershed, including protecting riverbanks and dams. Farmers and the local environment rely on water, although too much can be disastrous as well. Floods can wash away ecosystems and farmers’ crops. Trees can help protect riverbanks from flooding…
Soil fertility solutions that benefit nature too
Dear broadcasting partner, Welcome to this month’s theme pack, all about Nature-based Solutions to improve soil fertility. Farmers across sub-Saharan Africa are working to improve soil fertility in order to improve their harvest. But many of these practices can benefit the overall environment as well. This pack includes 3 backgrounders, 5 scripts, and 9 Barza…
Soil restoration practices and community identification: The antidote to countering soil degradation
RISING SIGNATURE TUNE, THEN FADE OUT HOST : We’re in Complan, one of the 22 villages in the urban commune of Dano, located in the southwest of Burkina Faso, 270 km (two-hundred seventy) from Ouagadougou, the capital. Complan means “white water” in the local Dagara language. The first inhabitants of the village noticed that…
No more famine: How one man led efforts to restore eight square kilometres of Nyakambu swamp in Sheema District, Western Uganda
HOST: Greetings, listeners, and welcome to the program. My name is ____. Today we will be talking about Nature-based Solutions, or NbS. These are innovative yet essential tools to fight climate change. They merge indigenous viewpoints and ecosystem-based solutions to tackle climate adaptation efforts. If appropriately implemented, NbS can expedite progress towards a low-carbon, equitable,…
Reducing food loss and waste to increase food security
Post-harvest loss and waste can significantly reduce the amount of food available to feed farmers’ families or to sell for income. With hunger rising over the past decade, it’s important to address food loss and waste with good practices for improving post-harvest storage and transportation. Globally, around 13.2% of food produced is lost between harvest…
Beekeeping protects forests and sweetens income for farmers in Mzimba, Malawi
HOST: Hello, our dear listeners. Welcome to your favorite program that covers issues pertaining to the environment and how we can help conserve it. As usual, you are with me, _______________. In this program, we are going to discuss how members of Malangazi Natural Resources Management Cooperative in Malawi’s northern district of Mzimba are…
Community mobilization around water
Signature tune rises, then fades out HOST : Welcome, listeners, and thank you for tuning in. Today’s program will focus on mobilizing the local population to take responsibility for the management of their water systems. We’re going to talk about the specific case of the village of Konioudou, located about forty (40) kilometers from…
Youth shaping the future of agriculture
Dear broadcasting partner, Welcome to this month’s theme pack, which is focused on youth in agriculture. August 12 is International Youth Day, and the theme this year is “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.” Young farmers are the future of food systems in your country, yet many youth do not see…
Plant Gliricidia sepium for soil fertility and fuelwood
HOST: In today’s program, we discuss the benefits of a tree known as Gliricidia sepium for sustainable agriculture and provision of wood fuel. We will ask questions such as: What is Gliricidia sepium? What is its impact? And we will try to give listeners a basic understanding of how the tree is used…
Farmers combine crops, livestock, and trees to reap big profits
HOST: Hello listeners, welcome to our program. Today, we’re going to talk with our guests about an agricultural practice called agro-sylvo-pastoralism. It is a farming system that combines trees, crop production and livestock production. Many farmers practice agro-sylvo-pastoralism in both forest and dryland areas of Côte d’Ivoire. In this program, we talk to Mr….