Resource Pack 77

March 23, 2006

This year is the International Year of Deserts and Desertification! Many organizations and communities all across Africa are mobilizing to prevent or reverse the impact of land degradation which is contributing to desertification.

Resource Pack 76

October 1, 2005

"The United Nations (UN) has designated 2006 as the Year of Desertification, marking ten years since the UN Convention to Combat Desertification came into force. Poverty is a main contributor to environmental degradation. Two-thirds of African lands are vulnerable to desertification and over 70% of African agricultural drylands are already degraded, making Africa the continent most severely affected by desertification."

Resource Pack 74

March 1, 2005

Through years of practiced observation farmers have developed traditional ways to forecast environmental changes. By using indicators such as the flowering time of certain trees, the direction and speed of the winds, and even insect behaviour, farmers monitor and predict changes in their surroundings. These types of ‘grassroots indicators’ are often an informal early warning system for drought and desertification.

Resource Pack 73

January 1, 2005

The impact of HIV and AIDS on food production and rural households in sub-Saharan Africa is undeniable. AIDS generally hits people in their most productive years, between the ages of 15 and 49. People become too sick to farm and feed themselves and their families. Significant losses in food production also result from deaths in families, and time taken to attend funerals and other mourning rituals.

Resource Pack 72

September 1, 2004

The eleven scripts published in the September 2004 package cover different aspects of pest control: everything from deciding when an insect becomes a pest, to possible solutions to weed and insect pests in certain crops, and the potential dangers of applying chemical pesticides. The messages woven throughout the scripts are similar: learn about pests; use that knowledge to decide what control methods to use; use many different methods at the same time; and reduce dependence on chemical pesticides.

Resource Pack 71

June 1, 2004

To celebrate our 25th anniversary, we decided to canvass our partners directly to help set the theme for the June package. We were surprised how many responses we received requesting information about specific crops, as well as water management and rainwater harvesting techniques. It seems fitting that our anniversary package represents somewhat of a return to our “roots”: providing simple, affordable and sustainable farming techniques and water harvesting solutions that will help to increase food security.

Resource Pack 70

March 1, 2004

The five radio scripts sent to partners with this newsletter are produced from previously published Network material. They focus on different aspects of women’s contribution to food production and good nutrition, and are intended to stimulate discussion about the vital role that women play as farmers, food providers, and caretakers of their families and communities.