Wetlands, mangroves, and watercourses

Nature-based Solutions

Theme pack

Dear broadcasting partner,

Nature-based Solutions address a host of types of ecosystem degradation, as well as issues such as resilience to natural disasters. In this monthly theme pack, we highlight NbS for wetlands, mangroves, and water. The theme pack includes four Resource Pack items and five Barza Wire stories.


Mangrove rehabilitation and replanting

Planted buffer zones protect watercourses

Rehabilitating mangroves in Ghana

Farmers sustainably grow vegetables and fruits while protecting wetlands


Burkina Faso: Farmers plant trees to protect watercourses from silting up

Côte d’Ivoire: Communities organize to protect the ecosystem by planting mangroves

Uganda: Farmers grow vegetables and fruits while protecting wetlands

Ghana: Communities rehabilitate mangroves to protect fish and rivers

Ethiopia: Farmers plant trees to reduce impact of floods and boost yields


We hope that this kind of “one-stop shop” on selected topics is useful, and that you can use the resources in this month’s theme pack to make effective programming on Nature-based Solutions for ecosystem degradation of mangroves, wetlands, and watercourses. 

Please use and enjoy these resources. Let us know if they’re useful—and exactly how you use them!

Happy broadcasting,