Theme pack
Dear broadcasting partner,
Welcome to this month’s theme pack, all about Nature-based Solutions to improve soil fertility. Farmers across sub-Saharan Africa are working to improve soil fertility in order to improve their harvest. But many of these practices can benefit the overall environment as well.
This pack includes 3 backgrounders, 5 scripts, and 9 Barza Wire stories. Use these resources to address Nature-based Solutions as part of our campaign, which runs until March 30, 2025. Tell us if you have produced an episode related to Nature-based Solutions by filling out this form: We are offering 20 prizes of up to $200 CA. Prizes will be determined by random draw.
Soil health (issue pack)
Soil fertility and climate change (issue pack)
Interview scripts
Plant Gliricidia sepium for soil fertility and fuelwood
Restoring degraded land in northern Uganda by planting indigenous trees
Benefits of intercropping, cover crops, and agroforestry
Soil restoration practices and community identification: The antidote to countering soil degradation
Barza Wire stories
Burkina Faso: Farmers practice zai and other techniques to reclaim land, boost productivity
Uganda: Farmers benefit from practices that regenerate soil and improve fertility
Burkina Faso: Farmer improves soil fertility with stone lines, zaï pits, and half-moons
Tanzania: Farmers conserve soil in hilly farms with minimum tillage and crop residues
Burkina Faso: Live fences reinvigorate poor soil
Zambia: Farmers turn to gliricidia to improve soil fertility
Kenya: Using weeds to improve soil, boost yields, capture carbon (Grist)
Zambia: Farmers use biochar to improve soil fertility
Tanzania: Livestock manure transforms farming in Karagwe District
We hope this package helps you to address one of the themes of Nature-based Solutions. Let us know if you produced an episode using one of these resources by filling out this form:
Happy broadcasting!