Fall armyworm and other threats: Major pests of maize, sorghum, cassava, cereal crops, Irish potatoes, mangoes, and other crops

Crop production

Theme pack

Here is our theme pack of FRI resources for November, this time about managing agricultural pests and diseases, a never-ending concern for farmers.

This month’s theme pack includes 13 items from our Resource Packs, including 1 backgrounder, 11 interview scripts, and 1 set of radio spots. It also includes 15 Barza Wire Farmer stories. Two resources are available in Swahili, one in Kenyan Swahili, eight in Amharic, one in Oromo, and two in Hausa.

Fall armyworm (a major pest of maize, millet, sorghum, rice, wheat, sugar cane, and vegetables)



Barza Wire stories

Resource available in Swahili


Resource available in Oromo


Resources available in Amharic



Barza Wire stories

Cassava mosaic disease


Barza Wire stories

Other pests and diseases


Radio spots

Barza Wire stories

Resources available in Swahili

Resources available in Hausa