Theme pack
In October 2016, we published our first theme pack. The topic was adapting to climate change. This month, we’re revisiting that topic and including some new resources. These 14 Resource Pack items and 8 Barza Wire resources represent some of the best resources on climate change that we’ve published over the last eleven years.
Backgrounders and issue packs
- Water-efficient gardens: Water is life.
- How farmers can adapt to a changing climate
- Issue Pack: Awareness of climate change
- Farmers cope with drought and climate change in Zambia’s Luangwa Valley
- Raising goats to beat the drought in eastern Kenya
- How Millet Farmers are Adapting to Climate Change in Northern Ghana
- Livestock management practices to cope with climate change
- Forests shall heal the land
- New rice variety for Africa to save wetlands in Uganda
- Growing NERICA is a farming solution for coping with climate change
- Sekedo, a drought resistant sorghum for Karamoja
Broadcaster how-to guide
Barza Wire stories
- Mali: Farmers fight drought with hybrid crops
- Mauritania: With drought keeping men on the road, pastoralist women take charge
- Senegal: SMS services and climate training help farmers plan
- Zimbabwe: Seed banks help farmers adapt to climate change
- Niger: Storing crops helps farmers absorb climate shocks
- Guinea: Farmer uses no-till to adapt to changing climate
- Guinea: Intensive charcoal production is accelerating the effects of climate change
Other Barza Wire resources
Resources in Swahili
Resources in Amharic
Resources in Hausa