A Simple Tool to Harvest Fruit

Post-harvest activities


Have you ever tried picking fruit that is very high on the tree?

Chances are, if you use a rod to beat the fruit down, it will fall to the ground very damaged. To reduce the chance of fruit falling to the ground and being damaged, you can try using the split end of a bamboo rod to pick the fruit. First, choose a long bamboo rod, long enough to reach the fruit high up in the tree.

Split the narrow end down the middle for about 8 – 10 inches.

It’s as simple as that!

To pick the fruits, just insert the stalk of the fruit into the split and gently twist the rod until the stalk snaps. The fruit will not fall to the ground but instead will remain hooked to the split end of the rod.

You will be able to harvest entire bunches of fruit this way.



  • By Shamela Rambadan, Trinidad and Tobago