Youth shaping the future of agriculture

AgricultureChildren and youthClimate change

Theme pack

Dear broadcasting partner,

Welcome to this month’s theme pack, which is focused on youth in agriculture. August 12 is International Youth Day, and the theme this year is “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development.”

Young farmers are the future of food systems in your country, yet many youth do not see agriculture as a good career option. There’s a great need for labour and innovation in farming — both of which youth can bring. But youth need to see agriculture as their future, and then need support starting their own farming businesses, including accessing training and finance. Share these Barza Wire stories about youth finding success in agriculture to motivate youth in your region. You can also find more stories at AgribusinessTV.

Burkina Faso: Youth and women turn to financial institutions to realize their projects
Tanzania: Farmers’ group helps women and youth find training, work, and markets
Ghana: New training facility to serve thousands of local women and youth farmers
Kenya: No jobs in the city, so tech-savvy youth head back to the farm (Trust)
Senegal: Urban youth find jobs selling local rice
Youth organization for peace and rural development promotes sustainable agriculture
Malawi: Women and youth join co-operative to access better groundnut markets
Parliamentarian boosts youth engagement in agriculture through radio
Mali: Rastaman spreads the word to youth about the importance of agriculture

We also have four script items that might provide some background information:

Why and how youth should get involved in agriculture
Succession planning and shared decision-making in family farming

Suggested interview questions
Why and how youth should/could get involved in agriculture
Succession planning and shared decision-making in family farming

We hope that this kind of ‘one-stop shop’ on selected topics is useful, and that you can use the resources in this month’s theme pack to make effective programming for youth in your audience.

Read our Broadcaster how-to guide on youth programming or follow our online learning module for more ideas on engaging youth on air.

Please use and enjoy these resources. Let us know if they’re useful—and exactly how you use them!