Today it’s no cost pest control! Use neem leaves to make a pest control solution. Neem spray is effective against many pests of grain and vegetable crops. For example, neem spray can affect locusts, bean aphids, whiteflies, houseflies, Mexican bean beetles, Colorado potato beetles, corn earworms, and cabbage loopers. And because there are always green leaves on neem trees you can pick them whenever you need them to make the spray.
Here is how some farmers in India make neem leaf spray: To make five litres of spray use about one kilogram of fresh neem leaves. Put the leaves into a pot and add five litres of water. Boil the mixture until the green colour is gone from the leaves. When the green colour is gone it means that the part of the leaves that affects the insects has gone into the water. Let the water cool overnight. The next day, remove the leaves or filter the mixture through a fine cloth.
Now you have a neem spray that is ready to use on your crop. If you find that this spray is not strong enough, try using two kilograms of leaves in five litres of water instead.
Also, if firewood is scarce and you don’t want to use wood to heat the water, you can use cold water instead of boiling water. In that case pound or crush the neem leaves before putting them in the water.
Information sources
Neem: a tree for solving global problems (141 pages, 1992), the National Academy Press, Washington D.C. Available from the Board on Science and Technoogy for International Development, Publications and Information Services (FO 2060Z), National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418 U.S.A.
Natural pesticides from the neem tree (51 pages, 1984), published by GTZ GmbH (German Agency for Technical Co operation), Postfach 5180, 6236 Eschborn 1, Germany. Also available in French.
Neem, a natural insecticide (34 pages), published by GTZ, Postfach 5180, 6236 Eschborn 1, Germany. Also available in French.
Neem leaf protects stored grain, ATIC Handout 33 (1985, one page), issued by the Appropriate Technology Information Centre, 8 West Madras St., Srinagar Colony, Saidapet, Madras 600015, India.
Treatment of cabbage and gboma against pests with neem seed extract, (21 pages, 1990) published by the Plant Protection Directorate, B.P. 1263, Lome Cacaveli, Togo, West Africa. Also available in French.
Perspectivas del aprovechamiento del arbol de nim (12 pages), published by the Centro de Protección Vegetal, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Managua, Nicaragua.
Santinig Vol. IV, Nos. 197, 198, 200, and Vol. V, Nos. 203, 204, 205 (August 1 September 26, 1986), 7 part series on “Neem: production and potential”, publsihed by the Philippine Federation of Rural Broadcasters, 1353 Leon Guinto Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.
Neem: The cornucopia tree (90 pages, 1986), compiled by and available from Michael D. Benge, Agroforestry Officer, Bureau for Science and Technology, Office of Forestry, Environment, and Natural Resources, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C. 20523
Natural crop protection (185 pages, 1985) by Gaby Stoll, published by AGRECOL c/o OKOZENTRUM, CH 4438 Langenbruck, Switzerland. Also available in French and Spanish.
How to use the insecticidal properties of neem: Some practical information including oil production and storage of seeds (1983, 3 pages) by M. Dreyer. Reprinted as ECHO TECHNICAL NOTE A 2, ECHO, R.R. #2, Box 852, North Fort Myers, Florida 33903, U.S.A.