Resources about rice, fonio, and sesame

Crop production

Theme pack

Here is our latest monthly theme pack of FRI resources, this month about rice, sesame, and fonio.

The theme pack includes 20 scripts from Resource Packs and 14 Farmer stories from Barza Wire.


Barza Wire stories



Resources in Hausa

Resources in Swahili

We hope that this kind of “one-stop shop” on selected topics is useful, and that you can use the resources in this month’s theme pack to make effective programming on rice, sesame, and fonio.

Please note that two of the older scripts were written when FRI was known as DCFRN, or the Developing Countries Farm Radio Network.

This document was made possible with financial support from Luxembourg Development Cooperation. The content of this document is the sole responsibility of the partner and may not reflect the views of Luxembourg Development Cooperation.