Life is better in the country: Radio spots or print media fillers



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* Fidel Orense, Philippines, broadcasts radio spots on this subject. So does James Achanyi-Fontem, Cameroon. He says, “They are effective because of their constant repetition in the official and national languages.” Semi-formal evaluations quoted by Milton Munoz, Honduras, show that farmers retain almost 90% of the contents of radio spots.

* Nos. 1-5 were prepared by a retired Sri Lankan broadcast trainer who is now living in Toronto, Canada.

* Spot/filler No. 6 was sent in by Roberto Chica of Colombia.

No. 1 Length: 65 words; 30 seconds

At the beginning of this century, the earth was still a rural planet. By the year 2000, two out of three people will be living in overcrowded cities—possibly in slums and shanty towns! Not a pleasing prospect for those of us who lead a quieter but healthier life in the villages! Think carefully of the losses and gains before deciding to leave your village.

No. 2 Length: 75 words; 37 seconds

When members of a rural family move to the city, two things happen. First. they put a strain on the country’s food supply since they stop farming and must depend on someone else for their food. Second, they strain the resources of exploding cities, because they arrive without the skills needed in the city, so it’s hard to find a job. Don’t fall for the temptations of city life. You’ll be happier where you are.

No. 3 Length: 53 words; 27 seconds

Exploding cities! Yes, people in cities around the world are going to face higher living costs, housing shortages, unemployment, and pollution of the city environment. Do you really want to be part of all that? Reflect on these things before you make the decision to give up the simpler life in your village.

No. 4 Length: 79 words; 37 seconds

Farmers are known as primary producers. You produce the food that we all need to survive. City dwellers are known as secondary producers. They produce the industrial goods that we like to own and which may improve our lives. As more people move to the cities, fewer people are left to grow food. When the seductive charms of the city dazzle you, please think of the problems both you and your family are going to encounter in the city.

No. 5 Length: 59 words; 30 seconds

In the rural areas of our country, the extended family has always provided many necessary social services, like caring for the sick or old people. When people move away from their families to the city. they often lose this vital support. There is social breakdown, loneliness, and frustration. Will a move to the city be worth it after all?

No. 6 Length: 21 words; 10 seconds

Farmers—stay in the country. Don’t move to the city. Your country needs you! Your fellow Colombians [use the name for your own countrymen] depend on you for food.