
Narratives are short radio scripts where one individual conveys the important information. Many of our older scripts were written in this format. These scripts still contain relevant and useful information.

Use narratives to learn more about the topic, to prepare radio spots, interview questions, intros and extros. You could also read the information aloud on air, but it would be more useful if used as part of an interview with someone on the topic.

  • All
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture
  • Children and youth
  • Climate change
  • Community development
  • Crop production
  • Energy
  • Environment and climate change
  • Gender equality
  • Health
  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Land issues
  • Livestock and beekeeping
  • Marketing and market information
  • Nature-based Solutions
  • Nutrition
  • Post-harvest activities
  • Social issues
  • Soil health
  • Trees and agroforestry
  • Water management

Farm credit guidelines for small-scale farmers

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Nearly all small-scale farmers borrow from time to time. It’s very important that you make good on all aspects of your promise to return what you borrow. To do this takes good farm planning. Lenders are more willing to lend you money if you show…

Keeping village chickens healthy

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Chickens will be healthier and produce more eggs if you give them protein feed and make sure they have plenty of water. HOST:     Village chickens are wonderful. They are able to get most of the food they need on their own. In addition, they…

When to breed your cow

HOST:     Cows, calves, milk, and a bull Today, let’s think about the one or more cows or water buffaloes that you keep, to produce milk for you and your family and perhaps to sell. You know that before a cow will produce milk, she must give birth to a calf. After the calf is…

How to make bamboo last longer

HOST:     Bamboo is a sturdy building material. It is used to build anything from water containers to houses. But, as you know, bamboo doesn’t last forever. The problem with building things out of bamboo is that insect larvae eat away at it, and dampness can make it rot. These problems can destroy bamboo in…

Use chili peppers to control pests

Save and edit this resource as a Word document Content: Use chili peppers (Capsicum spp.) as a powder or spray against many crop pests. HOST: Many people use chili peppers when they prepare their meals. Chili peppers can also be used to make an effective pest control spray or dust which can be used instead…

Filling sacks with grain or other farm produce

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Before putting grain or produce in a sack, be sure the sack is dry, clean, and free from insects. Also, turn it inside out. If you don’t have extra help to hold the sack open, make a sack holder. It is a simple structure, as…

Many wild vegetables provide good nutrition

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Collect and protect nutritious wild vegetables. HOST:     We have talked many times on our radio programs about how to garden and about how to plant lots of vegetables. Today, we are going to talk about those vegetables that grow wild around our homes or…

Grow many different crops and crop varieties

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Grow many different crops and crop varieties. If you grow only a few crops, and growing conditions turn out to be poor for one or more of those crops, you risk not having enough food for your family or to sell. If you grow many…

Termites are good chicken feed

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Termites are a good source of protein for your chickens. Trap termites in special compost piles or in jars of dry cow dung and feed them to your chickens. HOST:     Do your chickens get enough protein, that special kind of food that birds, animals,…

Get the most from your fish pond

Save and edit this resource as a Word document. Content: Fish being raised in a fish pond need enough food. You can supply fresh larvae to feed your fish at no cost. Plankton (tiny plant/animal life) is another good source of food. It grows in fertile ponds. Make fertile ponds in four ways; test whether…