Smoking and children

Children and youthHealth


What do you think about smoking? Some people think it looks smart or pleasurable. Others see it as a habit that is harmful to the health. Right now, you could be fondling a cigarette between your fingers, or maybe you have just had a satisfying puff. But have you ever asked your children what they think about smoking? The example you set to the children you meet as you go about your daily smoking leaves questions in their minds. You will be amazed at their quick response to your habit. They will start lighting papers to smoke to look like adults, especially when they are playing mothers and fathers. If this does not move you, especially if you love your children, then listen further. Every cigarette you smoke decreases your life by eight minutes.

Imagine! So, if you admire smokers or have begun to smoke yourself and you would like to quit the habit, why not say to yourself “Smoking may look fashionable, but I don’t want to be a chimney.” There is no good reason to smoke or admire smoking.


This script, originally from the WHO, was sent to the Network by Mrs. Ndegi Bernice Gatere, a partipant who works at Africa Challenge, Trans World Radio, in Nairobi, KENYA.