Food security and nutrition


Theme pack

Here is our theme pack of FRI resources for March, which includes resources on food security and nutrition.

This month’s theme pack includes 10 items from our Resource Packs, including five backgrounders, four interview scripts, and one drama. It also includes five Farmer stories.

Interview scripts


Barza Wire stories

Resources available in Swahili

Resource available in Hausa


We hope that this kind of “one-stop shop” on selected topics is useful, and that can you use the resources in this month’s theme pack to make good programming on food security and nutrition.

This resource is produced for the VIMPlus project. ViMPlus is part of USAID’s Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced (RISE) program, which supports vulnerable communities in Burkina Faso and Niger to effectively prepare for and manage recurrent crises and pursue sustainable pathways out of poverty.