Theme pack
As you know, Farm Radio International has been distributing Farm Radio Resource Packs for many years, since 1979 in fact! But today, we are experimenting with something slightly different!
We are attaching a package of existing (not new) resources on one particular theme: adapting to climate change. This background information, these scripts and these stories are some of the best resources on climate change that we’ve published over the last four years.
Background information
- Awareness of climate change
- How farmers can adapt to a changing climate
- Story ideas on crop storage and climate change
- Forests shall heal the land
- Growing NERICA is a farming solution for coping with climate change
- How millet farmers are adapting to climate change in northern Ghana
- Livestock management practices to cope with climate change
- New rice variety for Africa to save wetlands in Uganda
- Organic fertilizer within easy reach
- Raising goats to beat the drought in eastern Kenya
- Sekedo – a drought resistant sorghum for Karamoja
- Water-efficient gardens – Water is life
Barza Wire stories
- Malawi: Farmers plant trees to fight climate change
- Kenya: Meteorologists work with traditional rainmakers to give farmers accurate weather forecasts
- Interview with Stephen Muchiri, CEO of the Eastern Africa Farmers Federation
- Senegal: Farmer develops method for growing mango trees with little water
- Uganda: Cattle keepers dig dams to water their animals
- Kenya: Catfish spawn climate solution for dryland farmers